Spanish songs for kids with a native speaker

Why Spanish?

Wide Reach

By number of native speakers, Spanish is the second biggest language in the world.


Spanish is among the top easiest languages to learn for English speakers.

It’s Everywhere

+450 million native speakers and 21 countries have it as the main language.

Job Opportunities

There is a growing need for bilingual skills in today’s global marketplace.

Learning Should Be Fun: How Music Helps

Music makes learning fun. It helps to remember words more effectively, to improve pronunciation, expand vocabulary and pair words with actions. It can boost your creativity and help develop fine motor skills among other things. Sing along & learn!

Benefits of Being Bilingual

Being bilingual makes you smarter. Learning a new language has powerful effects on your brain and practical benefits in a globalized world.

Cognitive Skills

Better memory, stronger thinking skills, it helps the brain be more flexible and actively engaged.

Social Flexibility

Better at connecting with others. It helps build positive relations with people from different backgrounds.

Language Skills

Learning a language strengthens your first language. The more languages you learn, the easier it becomes.

Healthier Brain

It’s never too early or too late! A little exercise can go a long way. It can protect against cognitive decline.

Happy Learners

What people said after watching the educational videos of Canta Con Jess.

Your channel has helped my son learn Spanish in a fun way! Thank you!


My daughter and I love your videos! We’re learning together from you

I am not a kid but it helps when I try to learn Spanish


I just aced my Spanish test because of you thank you so much jess

This was super easy to learn, thank you!!


Very great videos… such a nice and interesting way to learn Spanish

My Blog

I decided to create a blog with tips about the learning process, educational resources and to answer questions that may come up when learning Spanish.

How to set Healthy Screen Time Limits for your Kids? Tips and recommended Screen Time guidelines

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Arts and Crafts Ideas for Kids: Activities to Do at Home

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Here's a list of some Instagram accounts that have great Arts & Crafts Ideas for kids to do at home! You might find some inspiration from these IG accounts.

Letter W in Spanish: Is it Doble U, Doble V or Uve Doble? Here's the Answer!

May 15, 2020

The way we call the letter "W" in Spanish can be so confusing for Spanish learners and even for native Spanish speakers from different countries! Because the same letter has different names ("doble u", "doble ve" or "uve doble") and all of them are correct! The "right name" depends on the Hispanic country you're in or who you're speaking with.

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If you have any question or suggestion send me a message!

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